Sunday, April 6, 2014


The prompt:

Compose a poem using unintentional lines of iambic pentameter found in your newspaper.

The process:

Well, I just went through all my favorite sections of the paper..Travel, Arts, Ideas and the front page and started skimming and counting. I pulled several quotes from several articles...I may have used a few titles because they were the best pentameter. I read some weird articles too like one on traffic. Wow...

The result:

Portrait of a city in taxi rides

Morning has broken, like the first morning.

Until recently, there was a problem
There was no one to dive into it
But such a technique has been elusive

At the risk of sounding like a dingbatter
A 24-hour city, we are not.

The clump of marsh was still mesmerizing
Last April I returned to the same spot

Echoes of the past rescued from silence
There have been many gains since the genocide.

Several articles from Sections A, K,N,M. The Boston Globe. 6 April 2014. Print.

Powers, Martine. “Portrait of a city in taxi rides." The Boston Globe.  K1-K4. 6 April 2014. Print.

1 comment:

Trish Hopkinson said...

Wow, ending the poem on the word genocide was striking. I enjoyed reading this piece!