Thursday, April 24, 2014


The prompt:
Homosyntaxism is a method of translation that preserves only the syntactic order of the original words. To give a rudimentary example, if N=noun, V=verb and A=adjective, the outline NVA could yield solutions such as “The day turned cold,” “Violets are blue,” “An Oulipian! Be wary!”)
Option 1: Choose a sentence from your newspaper source text and write as many homosyntaxisms as possible based on that same variation.
Option 2: Complete a homosyntaxism of an entire paragraph or article found in your text.
The process:
Guess which one I chose?? You got it, option 1. I didn't source the words from the text. I made them my own...I think that might be cheating. I would like to thank...Margo Roby for this Mad Lib idea. 
I was stumped on how to go about this so I had to take some inspiration. I am making this my own and keeping some adverbs. I may have cheated on some "adverbs" as well. 
The sentence really spoke to me so that's why I chose it.  Then as I started, I hated it. I then started to think...let's work off of this. Let's get 2 common words together and make some statements. It's not perfect and it's not poignant. I used some different pronouns and I let it fly. 
Here is the sentence/inspiration:
"Art and empathy can take us only so far."
The result:

Talks and walks can give us justly....
Sticks and stones can break me ever so slowly.
Words and music can feed me every so often.
Determination and strength can move him exactly here. 
Propaganda and extremists can fuel him crazily always.
Books and paper can destroy her never.
Self-doubt and anxiety can ruin her always.
Love and kindness can save us most of the time. 
Hate and revenge can kill us always. 

Smee, Sebastian. "In portrait of late artist Jon Imber, life and love endure." The Boston Globe. 24 April 2014. Arts Section. Web. 

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