The prompt:
A univocalic text is one written with a single vowel. It is consequently a lipogram in all the other vowels. If he had been univocally minded, Hamlet might have exclaimed, “Be? Never be? Perplexed quest: seek the secret!” All words used must be sourced from your newspaper.
The process:
At first, I wanted to use 'e' and then I wanted to use 'i' and then I wanted to use 'a'. I finally stuck with A. I was a little ambitious and wanted to do 3 poems: one with a, one with e and one with i. I then realized....that wasn't a good idea. I am not prepared for that yet and plus...I would never be satisfied with all three of them. I decided I'd write 3 short stanzas and try to rhyme the last 2 lines..little couplets. I got creative with the punctuation at the end. Does this poem make sense? Hmmm..not entirely sure. I even stuck with the A section of the paper. Waa waaa!
The result:
I am not choos-E
Mass land blastsA day grasps back
Data plays part
A man wants art
Act as plan
Martha adapts that talk
Ads pay
Ran away
Half fatal
And half mammal
Sad class play
A ban: gay
Various articles throughout the A section of The Boston Globe. 11 April 2014. Print.
I like the stanza form and rhymes!
Thank you. It wasn't even deliberate until I was half done. I was like I guess this is how this is going to turn out. It was a challenge!
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