Sunday, September 28, 2008



I will no longer hang on. I have to set people free. I have to let myself go and make the past the past. It can no longer be my present.

I am hurt but I am healing. You had your chances and you did not take them. I now know none of you wanted me.

Too bad...I am even better now.

In other news.. my students are killing. I love seeing the deteriorating education values at work. woo hoo....

You know what? I am happy and the funny thing is, I made myself that way. I did it. No one else. yahoooooooooooooooooooooo!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I am sick of the grumpy pants in my life..

Honestly...I am trying to stay positive. I have so much on my plate right now I cannot get down on myself. I am already confused enough. I want things so badly that I can taste them. I can only hope they can happen.

So...if you are a grumpy pants and always thinking of bad things..stay away. I am already thinking of the worst so..I don't need more bad things. I feel selfish but...goodness I am working so hard right now. I just want to be happy too.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

floods of emotions..women don't have it easy.

Why are women so emotional? Oh..I know why? We have a surplus of hormones flowing through our bodies at all times because we are biologically chosen to have children.

I love being a women. I do, but at times I do know what the difference between up and down are. I feel so much more than I should. I seriously get so crazy and then I level out. yes, this is normal. I just wish life things didn't run its course during those days. hahahahaaha

honestly, I am one confused girl. I would like to be unconfused real soon.

Everything is so fresh and new in my life and I don't know how to take it. I would like it to continue. I think I can handle them. I sure hope so.

I just want to feel a little more on even.

Monday, September 1, 2008

my life is but a dream...

I feel as if I am living in a dream. I cannot describe but I will do my best.

I feel as if everything is falling into place.

The pieces fit snugly and with precision.

The joy seeped in without my knowledge.

There are so many challenges that I am ready to face with a strong mind and a willing heart. I cannot believe I am here. I am doing what I want. The dream is my life.
